K, IK, KE Series Electrical Connectors
Ordinary circular electrical connectors are standard electrical connectors, which are sealed and non-sealed. The remote connector is generally composed of part of the hole socket fixed on the instrument and part of the hole plug fixed on the cable. With the help of connecting nuts connect remote.
Localized model: K (ШР), IK (СШР), KE (2РТТ)
• Ambient temperature: -60°C ~ +50°C (ШР, СШР) -60°C ~ +150°C (2РТ-А-Т)
• Vibration acceleration: 10g (ШР, СШР, 5~2000Hz) 10g (2РТА, 10~200Hz; 2РТТ, 10-1000Hz)
• Shock acceleration: once 500g, repeatedly 35g (ШР)
• Operating voltage: ≤ 850V (ШР, СШР); ≤ 700V (2РТ)
• Operating lifetime: 500 cycles, 1000 hours
• Technical conditions:
– ШР СШР-ГЕО.364.107ТУ
– ШРГ СШРГ-ГЕО.364.108ТУ
– 2РТТ-ГЕО.364.120ТУ
• Technical conditions: Q/3E 20007-2003