2KA Series

2KA Circular connector series
2РМ 2РМД small circular electrical connector, for circuit connections in electrical and radio installations, the plug and socket are connected by a threaded connection nut.

Technical documentation Datasheet 2KA Series

2KA Series (2РМТ, 2РМДТ)

2РМ 2РМД small circular electrical connector, for circuit connections in electrical and radio installations, the plug and socket are connected by a threaded connection nut. 2РМГ, 2РМДГ for sealed type. 2РМГП, 2РМГПД for sealed through-wall type.

Localized model: 2KA (2РМ, 2РМД the unified model of the series is 2KA, the combination code is unified)

• Ambient temperature: -60 ℃~+150℃, -60℃~+200℃ (seal)
• Vibration acceleration: 10~5000Hz 50g
• Shock acceleration: once 500g, repeatedly 100g
• Operating Voltage: ≤560V
• Rated current:

⌀1.0 ⌀1.5 ⌀2.0 ⌀3.0
SA 10A 20A 40A

• Contact resistance:

⌀1.0 ⌀1.5 ⌀2.0 ⌀3.0
<5mΩ <2.5mΩ <1.6mΩ <0.8mΩ

• Insulation resistance: ≥1000M Ω(normal), ≥20M Ω (damp, heat)
• Mechanical wear resistance: plug and unplug 500 times
• Warranty period: 7 years
• Specifications: Q/3E 20006-2003

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